Five for Friday is a weekly teacher linky party where you post five random things from today or this past week and on your blog. Check out the linky party at Doodle Bugs Teaching.
Last week I worked on creating a collaborative blog of Australian Teachers to connect. I know I'm from America (USA) originally, but this is where we plan to live and I found it hard to get to know who the Australian Teacher Bloggers were. I look forward to collaborating and learning from my fellow Aussies and hope to connect with everyone! Please check it out and comment to add your button if you're an Australian teacher who blogs!
Started up an Instagram account to showcase all my teacher life! I didn't realize what a huge teacher community was on Instagram. I find new stuff everyday, things that make you smile, fun/creative new activities, and so much more. If you are following, add me! #teachersfollowteachers
Australian Teachers Blog
Instagram Account
My Onesie
It's nearly winter time! I'm excited for the cold weather mainly because I can wear my onesie more! It's just so comfy and so cute. Who doesn't like looking like a cute Japanese bear?!
Looking for Alaska

Been reading this book and I'm nearly finished. I've been enjoying John Green's books lately. I read The Fault in Our Stars (before the movie came out) and Paper Towns. I think I enjoy Paper Towns more, but that's probably because it was set in Orlando, FL and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for home.
Haha! Love the onesie Stephanie! ;)
Miss Jacobs Little Learners
:) And so soft! :)
DeleteHi Stephanie, I love your blog design! I have loved connecting with teachers through Instagram. Thanks for the book recommendation. I am starting a list for summer reading and I will definitely add that one. I hope you have a great weekend, stay warm! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! :) Added you on Insta! Love seeing so much going on from other teachers there. :)
DeleteIt's a nice easy read too. Do you have a account? I get all my book recommendations there and have an ever growing "To Read" list.
Your onesie is adorable! Welcome to IG.. I love it!! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! :) Just added you on Insta! :)